Thursday, April 05, 2007

ha ha ha ha hee hee hee

this made me laugh today...

1 comment:

J.B. said...

I came to leave a serious comment about your search for a Church and then I see this. Hilarious.

Anyway, at the risk of sounding a bit cliche at this point, you're not alone in your frustration to find something authentic. True community (authenticity) seems to be lacking to a large degree if not completely in the Western Church. My own criticism is that many of the Churches we are fleeing to aren't any different than what we are fleeing from (commercialism and rampant materialism). Or they are so community/relationship based that they sever any ties with historical Christianity completely.

I'm rambling. I can only offer my own experience to you from my own journey, which has led me away from the Protestant Church and into Eastern Orthodoxy (not a cult, I promise). It has been an amazing journey, mostly beautiful but with some difficult bumps on the road to be certain. I could go on longer, but let me just encourage you that there is something out there worth striving for. Don't give up. And I'm going to link you to my blog if that's okay. Take care and feel free to drop me an email if you want to dialogue on this issue further.

PS - My favorite food is still liverwurst and beer. : )