Monday, March 26, 2007

The search.
I have spent years away from the church. Not away from God or community but away from church. I grew up there. It is the “family business” so to speak. Dad is a pastor, brother is a pastor, I am not a pastor. I have avoided the place for a few years now. I will have sporadic attendance somewhere. I like going to church on the beach, for instance. I am finally realizing that it is time for me to face whatever it is that I have been avoiding. To finally ask myself why I have been avoiding it. I am sure it has less to do with "the church" and more to do with me, my heart, my past/present/future. I don't miss church. I don't wake up on Sunday and wish I was headed to hear the next Sermon on the Mount. I just don't understand where it stopped for me. Why it stopped for me. Why I like Jesus so freaking much and yet I hate the church. Hate is a strong word and I must say that I really do mean it. I'm going to try some of those "emerging" churches. Some "orthodox" churches. Where do I fit? Do I fit? Do I have to fit? does it really matter? Here is my journey. I want it to be honest and real. These are both things that I haven't found in church yet. Here is my first of many experiences. Mosaic church - lots of hype, wondering what it is all about.

Mosaic – March 25, 2007
5:00 service: The Mayan Downtown L.A.

I was definitely in a night club – low lights, fog machine, people with head microphones instead of real ones. Here is how the night went down:

1. Video Presentation
-it was a little intro into “Soul Cravings”
2. Dance – that’s right a dance
-people dressed as robots
-fog machine
-I didn’t get it
3. Video Montage of Erwin speaking: Soul Cravings
4. Video Short
-guy and girlfriend in car talking to fast food speaker
-tie in to craving intimacy but battle dysfuntion
5. Dance – another one
-Plumb song “Can you Hear Me?”
-still didn’t understand the significance
6. Video Montage: Erwin: Intimacy Part One
7. Music
-acoustic guitar, singer = incredible
8. Video Montage: Erwin: Intimacy Part Two
9. Testimonial Video
-speaking of the past (drugs/teenage pregnancy) and the future
10. Dance:
-Lauren Hill’s “Zion” (fog machine again)
-main dancer was son from aforementioned video testimonial
11. Video Montage: Erwin: Destiny
12. Music
-drum track in the background, guy on acoustic
13. Video Montage: Erwin
14. Video Short: Laundry
15. Testimonial Video: Depression and Community
16. Music
-live band/fog machine/back ground visuals
17. Video Montage: Erwin: Meaning Part Two
18. Video Short: Finding God
19. Dancing – this time with signs
20. Closing guy
-story about pursuing waiter. Waiter avoids him. Waiter contacts him because his “soul” desired to

No one spoke to me - no one even noticed I was there. This is common with most churches. I didn't let that stop me or bring me down. I approached a few people afterwards at the "Ten Minute Party" where first time visitors were directed. I think I spoke with someone straight out of greeter training.
Greeter: Hello, I don't think I have seen you before - my name is __________
Me: yeah, this is my first time
Greeter: What is your name and where are you from?
Me: Katie, Hermosa Beach.
Greeter: Wow, so nice to meet you.
It went on and on - almost out of a script. Pretty funny. It is good that they are training people on how to approach them. I thought it was sweet.
The stage was filled with art work. The lights were low. Having not been to the last eight weeks I don’t think I fully understood the “culminating event” that I walked into. I will attend again on a "normal" Sunday. The greeter that I spoke to said that this was not normal.


Unknown said...

i remember thinking the sam ething when i went there for the first few times.
ohh the stories :)


Anonymous said...

yeah...that kind of sounds normal (i have only been once...)

thanks for coming by my blog...have you tried sandals church in riverside? i'm not sure how far that is from you? also, my friend octavio leads a smaller church in whittier. he is AMAZING (not in the "awe struck by a pastor" since)...i would be honored to call him my pastor if i lived in cali. if you're interested shoot me an email (a link is on my blog) and i'll put you in touch with him.

i am also a PK...and understand completely what you are going through....